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Guernsey Milk

Full of A2 Goodness

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Unique Property of Guernsey Milk - 1

Beta Carotene - As this is not digested and broken down by Guernsey cows, it creates the wonderful golden colour in the milk and its products.

Unique Property of Guernsey Milk - 2

Omega 3 - Guernsey milk is naturally better balanced than other milks, with test results showing it to have one part omega 3 to two parts omega 6, whereas all other milks are one part omega 3  to six parts omega 6.

Unique Property of Guernsey Milk - 3

Beta Casein A2 - Guernsey milk has a naturally high percentage of Beta Casein A2 (tested to be more than 95% of A2). Other milks have shown to be between 40% (Jersey milk) and 15% (Holstein milk).
Digby Gribble
Site Owner

North Town Lane
North Cadbury
BA22 7BX

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Telephone: 01963 440566
Fax: 0870 6221817
Mobile Phone Number: 07971 415664

Information: Whilst we endeavour to publish up-to-date facts and information occasionally some things may change that we are unaware of. Therefore please check with suppliers direct for latest information. Please feel free to contact us if we are missing any information you think we should be aware of.
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